Traffic Tickets & Violations
Jamie Raizin has aggressively and successfully fought 1000’s of tickets all over New York State. If you received tickets anywhere in New York State or have a suspended license, be confident that Jamie Raizin will help you. He knows the laws and the courts. So if you are charged with any offense, whether while driving a car or truck, a boat or a jet ski, on Long Island, in any borough of New York City, Rockland, Westchester, Orange County, Sullivan County or any county, village or town in New York State, call Jamie Raizin.
If you are worried about points, fines, surcharges, suspensions, revocations and increases in your insurance premiums, your ability to get to work, school or appointments and maybe the loss of a job, you should call Raizin.
Whether you just received your first ticket or a set of tickets or if you’ve been ticketed in the past, fighting each one correctly is of the utmost importance. The DMV has a point system that can not only cause you to lose your license, but also cause you to have to pay a NYS Civil Responsibility Assessment that starts at $300 and increases by $75 for each additional point. These fees are in addition to fines set by the judges in the courts and in addition to any state surcharges, Nassau County fees and Suffolk County fees. When you hire Raizin, he will review your entire driving history to see how he could help. The pitfalls of not handling your tickets the proper way can affect your wallet, your liberty and your livelihood. Don’t take it upon yourself and do not hire just any lawyer, hire Jamie Raizin.
Perhaps you already went to court or hired a lesser attorney and you had a bad result. Call Raizin. He may be able to undo the damage. Many people have pleaded guilty on their own without realizing the consequences of doing so, like the additional assessment or a suspension. Raizin has gone to many courts to vacate/set aside these pleas and has obtained more favorable results for his clients.
Are you nervous, not sure what to expect, don’t want to see the judge or the officer in court. Are you too busy to go to court? Relax! In most cases, Jamie Raizin’s clients do not go to court. He will go for you. So do not worry about standing in line, about being late, about missing a final exam, about a previously planned vacation or a day work. Jamie Raizin will go for you and get it taken care of and report back to you.