

Traffic Tickets & Violations

Jamie Raizin has aggressively and successfully fought 1000’s of tickets all over New York State.  If you received tickets anywhere in New York State or have a suspended license, be confident that Jamie Raizin will help you.  He knows the laws and the courts.  So if you are charged with any offense, whether while driving a car or truck, a boat or a jet ski, on Long Island, in any borough of New York City, Rockland, Westchester, Orange County, Sullivan County or any county, village or town in New York State, call Jamie Raizin.

If you are worried about points, fines, surcharges, suspensions, revocations and increases in your insurance premiums, your ability to get to work, school or appointments and maybe the loss of a job, you should call Raizin.

Whether you just received your first ticket or a set of tickets or if you’ve been ticketed in the past, fighting each one correctly is of the utmost importance.  The DMV has a point system that can not only cause you to lose your license, but also cause you to have to pay a NYS Civil Responsibility Assessment that starts at $300 and increases by $75 for each additional point.  These fees are in addition to fines set by the judges in the courts and in addition to any state surcharges, Nassau County fees and Suffolk County fees.  When you hire Raizin, he will review your entire driving history to see how he could help.  The pitfalls of not handling your tickets the proper way can affect your wallet, your liberty and your livelihood.  Don’t take it upon yourself and do not hire just any lawyer, hire Jamie Raizin.

Perhaps you already went to court or hired a lesser attorney and you had a bad result.  Call Raizin.  He may be able to undo the damage.  Many people have pleaded guilty on their own without realizing the consequences of doing so, like the additional assessment or a suspension.  Raizin has gone to many courts to vacate/set aside these pleas and has obtained more favorable results for his clients.

Are you nervous, not sure what to expect, don’t want to see the judge or the officer in court.  Are you too busy to go to court? Relax!  In most cases, Jamie Raizin’s clients do not go to court.  He will go for you.  So do not worry about standing in line, about being late, about missing a final exam, about a previously planned vacation or a day work.  Jamie Raizin will go for you and get it taken care of and report back to you.



Wills, Trusts, Estates, Living Wills and Healthcare Proxies

Jamie Raizin will meet with you and have an in-depth conversation to discuss family, health, wealth and other factors to help you determine what you need.

A “simple will” may just be too simple for you.  Of course, in one you could leave your accumulated assets to whom you desire.  However, perhaps your children are under 18, or older but still in school.  Maybe they are young adults and you don’t want them to get their inheritance at once which could lead them to make poor financial and life decisions.  Maybe you have a loved one with special needs.  In these cases, a trust needs to be set up.  Trusts may also be needed for tax planning and estate planning as well.  You work all your life to accumulate wealth. You should prepare so that it is not lost due to taxation and/or illness.

Naming who you want to follow your directions, to distribute your assets, care for your young children or a special-needs loved one is very important too.  If your wishes are not placed in a legally binding document, families can be torn apart, argue and litigate to get what they want or to get what they thought you wanted as opposed to what you wanted.

Making a proper will that suits your desires and needs should not be taken lightly. Call Jamie Raizin to allow you to eventually rest In peace and to enable your loved ones to be at peace after you are gone.


Accidents & Injury

Jamie Raizin will zealously represent you if you have been personally injured.

Raizin has represented clients that have been caused pain and suffering from all types of accidents.  So, if you were struck as a pedestrian, or in an accident while you were a passenger or driver of a motor vehicle, or if you were hit by a golf club at a range or a ball on the course, or if you fell off a ladder or scaffold or had any construction or work related accident, or you were attacked by a dog, call Jamie Raizin.

Are you hurt enough?

In some cases, an injury must be a “serious injury” and meet a “threshold.”

Insurance companies try to use this against injured people and take a no pay position as a way to protect their bottom line.  Raizin can be convincing and has recovered money from insurance companies for his clients in cases like these.

Some lawyers aren’t artistic enough to present your case in the light it deserves. Some are not persuasive enough to get over the no pay position of the insurance company.  Raizin is not only creative, but also knows how to prove his point in his relentless approach.

Don’t be misguided!

In some cases, fault is not an issue.  So even if you think there is no one to blame, or even if you are partly at fault, call Jamie Raizin.  You may be entitled to be paid.


Case review by Jamie Raizin is free!  Why leave money on the table?  Shouldn’t it be in your pocket?  Money will help ease your pain.  Go ahead, contact Jamie Raizin.  Isn’t it time you got what you deserve.



Starting out in business?

If you are just starting out in business or if you have been in business, Raizin Law can be your legal counsel to guide you, prepare you and represent you in a multitude of areas.  Starting out? Do you need to be incorporated?  Perhaps you are buying an established business.  Raizin can review the buyout papers, notes and agreements.  Have a partner?  Jamie Raizin can draft partnership agreements, shareholder agreements, employee agreements and employee handbooks.  Raizin has successfully helped many with the sale or purchase of their businesses.

Day to Day Operations

Raizin has repeatedly assisted large corporations, family businesses and small businesses with day to day legal issues.

Whether you are owed money or if someone is infringing on your product or name, Raizin can be there for you.

Did the fire marshal, town or city write you up for violations?  Did your employee get a summons?  Raizin has been there for others.  Let him help you too

Corporations are required to have an attorney represent them in any court in New York.  You should not have just any lawyer.  You should have a good one, one that has experience and one that is smart, like Jamie Raizin.


Real Estate Contracts & Closings

Jamie Raizin’s real estate experience is extensive.

He has successfully represented 1000’s of buyers and sellers from contract through closing. When you buy or sell a home, whether it’s your first or not, it could be and should be a pleasant experience.

Raizin is very attentive to each deal.  He takes a preventative approach by sitting with his clients to tell them what to expect from beginning to end.  Even if you are still looking for your home and have questions or concerns, don’t fret.  Call Jamie Raizin.  He will answer your questions.

Likewise, Jamie is available to field seller’s questions even before a buyer is found.  His experience combined with his attention to detail is what allows his clients to be at ease. Worried about inspections, financing, real estate agents, permits, certificates of competition and certificates of occupancy?  Don’t be.  Raizin will lead you through it all.



Evictions for Residential and Commercial Properties

Whether you are owed money from a tenant or the lease term is over and the tenant is holding over or the tenant significantly violated a substantial obligation of the lease, Jamie Raizin can help you.

Courts conduct “summary proceedings” which are supposed to offer simple and quick resolutions.  However, there are many hazards that landlords get trapped with.


When rent and/or additional rent is past due, don’t let the arrears build up.

To start a non-payment proceeding, a landlord must serve a proper notice or rent demand before filing with the court.  The format, service and timing of this rent demand notice are defined by law and also by the lease.  If not done right, a case may be thrown out causing lost time, lost rent and much aggravation.  It’s better to do it correctly the first time.  Jamie Raizin will help you.


A landlord may start a holdover proceeding to regain possession of the property when the tenant refused to leave after the lease has ended, or the month to month tenancy is terminated or for continued violations of the lease terms.  The holdover summary proceeding can be started even when there is no money owed by the tenant to the landlord.  It is time to take back what is yours.

To start a holdover action, the landlord must serve a proper notice prior to filing a case in court.  The notice must meet established criteria for content, timing and service.  The criterion is governed by the law and the lease terms.  A landlord that does not properly follow the preliminary steps correctly can have the holdover proceeding dismissed costing valuable time, money and aggravation.

Jamie Raizin has successfully evicted tenants.  His knowledge and experience with the law, leases and courts can help you get possession of your property.  Don’t delay, call Jamie Raizin today!

Raizin Law